Uptick in Car Accidents Find More New Yorkers Seeking Personal Injury Attorneys

March and April of this year brought a slight decline in accidents on New York City streets, but that quickly changed when recent summer months brought a steep increase in car crashes sending more New Yorkers to crowded hospitals and the offices of personal injury attorneys.

The Department of Transportation reduced the speed limit on many Manhattan and Brooklyn streets in September. The reason, according to local reporting, “is a spike in the number of fatalities involving cars and motorcycles” that is “already more than all of last year.” It appears that despite the hopeful start of the year, drivers have “gotten used to driving faster on open roads during the coronavirus pandemic” according to DOT Commissioner Polly Torttenberg.

The crashes caused 4,415 New Yorkers to suffer from non-fatal car accident injuries in August alone. 

Car Crashes in New York City

As one of the most populated cities in the country, New York City sees its fair share of collisions. Government initiatives like Vision Zero have attempted to make the streets safer for residents of the five boroughs. But, as the recent reduction of speed limits on 25 miles of city streets show, the problem of traffic accidents continues. 

New Yorkers are entitled to quick compensation for injuries from car accidents and can find it through personal injury attorneys. Lawyers, like those at Deliso and Associates, have helped many car accident victims receive justice and pay-outs for financial hardships. 

When a car accident causes you harm, you should know your right to hire a personal injury attorney.

Injured in a Car Crash in 2020? A Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Being injured in a car accident in 2020 carries a number of risks that range from the obvious, pandemic related risks, to the not-so-obvious. Rising unemployment across the country has caused many to lose healthcare coverage. Victims are expected to front the bill for their medical expenses while insurance is sorted, putting many who are already in financially uncertain spots in financial peril. Those who have had healthcare in the past may be facing big medical bills with little to no help.

Car insurance, especially the personal injury protection required by law, is meant to cover medical expenses from car accidents, but often the insurance falls short either because of the time it takes for reimbursement or because the insurance runs out. And where the state-required personal injury insurance stops, personal injury attorneys step in for victims.  

Personal Injury Attorneys and Car Accidents

Personal injury attorneys represent a variety of clients but for victims of car crashes, these lawyers fight for their right to compensation after injury. The personal injury insurance required for all drivers by New York state should cover expenses or losses, but it can fall short in damaging ways. 

While the minimum required coverage ($50,000) might cover the ticket price of a surgery to correct an injury from a car crash, additional expenses like pre-surgery treatment, x-rays, tests, and scans can add up quickly to mean overwhelming expenses for victims. Professional personal injury lawyers know the ins and outs of insurance shortcomings and New York’s ever-evolving No-Fault Rule. An attorney’s expertise can build a life saving bridge over financial uncertainty to physical recovery. 

Additionally, joblessness is also affecting motorists. At a time when basic needs may be prioritized, motorists might choose risk driving uninsured over the risk of not making ends meet. The continued widespread unemployment and increase in car crashes could mean more crashes with uninsured drivers and more risk for victims injured in car accidents. Personal injury attorneys can help victims of car crashes caused by uninsured drivers receive the compensation they deserve.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you’re not alone.

Thousands of New Yorkers a month are being affected by the increase in danger on the road. To date in 2020, 27,646 people have been injured in car crashes. The numbers tell a story of reduced crashes in the months of March, April, and May and a steep uptick in the later months.

Month of 2020 People Injured in New York City
January 4,210
February 4,040 
March 3,162
April 1,310
May 2,546
June 3,623
July 4,340
August 4,415

(Data from NYC Open Data)

 If you or a loved one suffers from injuries after a car accident, the experienced car accident attorneys at Deliso and Associates can help. 

In a case we handled, a 71-year-old pedestrian was injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. Her leg was broken close to the ankle and serious surgery was required to heal. The attorneys at Deliso Law helped her get $1,500,000 to cover expenses and losses. 

We can fight for justice and compensation for you. If you’ve been injured in a car crash, call 718-238-3100 or click here for a free consultation

By Allison Theresa

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