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Arabic Speaking Personal Injury Lawyer Services in Brooklyn, NY

Contact us for a free consultation!

With over 30 years of practice, we’re dedicated to making sure that you are able to get exactly what you need and deserve.


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We speak Spanish and Arabic!

Arabic-Speaking Personal Injury Lawyer


If you are part of the Arabic community in New York City and have suffered an injury caused by the negligence of another party, you want to work with an Arabic- speaking personal injury attorney that can help you obtain the results you desire. Deliso & Associates can help you by fulfilling your legal needs.

Having close ties to the Arabic community in New York City, we take pride in helping community members with their personal injury needs. We will guide you through the intricacies of the legal system, and help you understand every stage of the claim process.

So if you were involved in a car accident or were injured due to another person’s negligence, you can schedule a free consultation where we will thoroughly assess your case and determine all of your legal options.

Having a legal representative that can speak Arabic on your side can provide peace of mind and ensure that your rights and best interests are always protected. Let our firm help you recover your entitled compensation.

For more information, contact us and speak with our Arabic speaking personal attorney today.


Recent Case Results

  • Pedestrian Run Down While Crossing Hempstead Turnpike In Queens
  • Settled After Trial

Our client, a 56-year-old woman was crossing 53rd Street and 1st Avenue after dinner. A driver rushing to get home chose to not pay attention when he made a left turn from 1st Avenue. The defendant hit our client, threw her to the ground. She broke her tibia and fibula by her ankle and walks with a limp. The primary and excess insurance companies paid our client 10 Million Dollars.

  • Client trips and falls on a cracked sidewalk at fast-food chain
  • Settled Before Trial

Our client, a 67-year-old woman trips and falls on a cracked sidewalk and fractures her left eye socket, left elbow and left knee. The client undergoes surgery to left eye, elbow and knee. The insurance company pays two million to settle before trial.


  • Pedestrian Run Down While Crossing 50th Street
  • Settled During Trial

Our client, a 56-year-old woman was crossing 53rd Street and 1st Avenue after dinner. A driver rushing to get home chose to not pay attention when he made a left turn from 1st Avenue. The defendant hit our client, threw her to the ground. She broke her tibia and fibula by her ankle and walks with a limp. The insurance company paid our client 1 Million 750 Thousand Dollars.

    • Our client ingested lead from paint poisoning her from apartment she lives in
    • Settled Before Trial

Our client, a two-year-old child, gets lead poisoned at apartment. The client has educational difficulties and difficulties focusing. The landlord 1.6 million to settle.

About Our Firm

Our firm is focused on making sure the person or company that hurt you is held accountable. You are more important than the profits the insurance company wants to keep. We have the experience, resources and dedication to make sure your case is fully prepared for trial and that you are in the best position to obtain a just result for your loss.

We represent our clients on a contingent fee arrangement, which means if there is no recovery, you pay no fee.

Our goal is to get you the justice you deserve and the necessary medical care for the future, so you can live as best of a life as possible, in light of your injuries and the disability you may be left with.

Joseph Deliso has more than 32 years experience litigating personal injury cases and is there for you. He is admitted to practice in the State of New York before all courts, including federal courts of the Southern and Eastern District. Our firm also regularly associates with attorneys in New Jersey to best serve our clients.

If you cannot travel to our office, we will visit you at your home or the hospital. There is no fee for a consultation on you injury case.